

Users are the heart of the Platform. Every User can decide how to interact with the Peeps Platform in a few ways:

  • Follow and explore content via Channels (Freemium model)

  • Become Content Makers by creating Channels and monetizing their creations (Tiered subscriptions possible)

  • Earn through #NameStaking on unlimited Channels and become eligible for a part of the revenue these generate

  • Buy and sell NFTs on the internal Peeps Market Place

  • Buy and sell Channels (almost like buying a Start-up)

Info: Mathematical modelling of #NameStaking coming soon 📢

Creators = Content Maker

Content Makers, or simply put, Creators, have the same set of rights just like Users and a few more. Everyone can become also a content maker and benefit from the vast earning options the Peeps Platform gives this role. Creators are individuals wishing to either:

  1. Monetize their content through their audience, while not sharing a cut of their earnings to an intermediary (the platform) or

  2. Just have their own channel to showcase their makings.

Creators are able to:

  • Create a channel (or few).

  • Create posts in channels (with different access levels).

  • Design an NFT and mint it.

  • Add Royalties to their content for lifetime earnings.

  • Receive rewards for payable content.

  • Sell posts and/or channels to other users.

  • Engage directly with their Community.

  • Co-Create with other Artists.

Info: Join our Discord channel to stay up to date for further announcement about Platform functionalities and other exciting news.

Last updated